
圖 文│ Annie






夏天是個適合全家戶外踏青,也是個為往後留下美好回憶的好時節,夏 天近在咫尺,就讓我們用最美麗的心情來迎接夏天的到來吧!

Summer for everyone has somewhat of a different meaning, but for those of us who have been to school, intuitively associate the word “summer” with “vacation”. This reflex is rooted in our minds so strong that whenever we hear “summer” we automatically think Fun! Excitement! Spontaneity! 

Coming from alike roots and culture, summer in many Asian countries bear quite a few similarities. However, with global-warming continuously rising, Korea’s one of the lesser countries that still possesses four distinct seasons within Asia, therefore making summer all the more precious and unique. Nonetheless, no different from Taiwan, Korea’s summer is just as unforgivingly hot and humid. 

Summer for Koreans is much like a bear coming out of a long winter hibernation, and therefore getting out doors and making the most of it is top notch priority. They do this by taking trips to the beach, going to a baseball game, having a picnic by the Kang River, whatever it may be, as long as it outdoors. One popular destination is Donghae (東海). Donghae is located on the eastern coast of Korea, and with the sun rising from the east, this makes it the perfet spot to watch sunrise. From the moment the sky lights up to the time the first bright rim appears may take 30 minutes or more, but the next 2-3 minutes will take your breath away. The burning colors of red and orange so mezmorizing, the wait will be nothing compared. Other things popular in Donghae are its beaches and fresh out of the sea seafood. Though seafood is prepared in all sorts of styles, when in Donghae, Hoe (raw fish) is not something you’d wanna miss! 

Another popular activity during summer is going to a baseball game. Some people go to the game to cheer on their favourite team, others simply go to enjoy the game with a beer in their hand! But did I mention cheering? Cheering in a Korean baseball game is like nothing you’ve ever seen in any other country. Besides the usual the chanting, cheer leaders lead the audience to sing and dance, and would you believe it, each player has their own theme song!

Besides beer, another icy summer drink to ease the heat is a traditional sweet Korean rice beverage known as Sikhye (식헤). Sikhye is usually homemade, using cooked rice and barley malt powder and is served as a dessert drink, but is now readily available in cans in grocery stores for as little as 17ntd.


“Well really, anything icy cold could relieve you of the heat!” you say, and traditional or not, the list of beverages could go on and on. However, none of them play a more important part of summer as this one in Korea. On the three hottest days throughout summer, it is a tradition for Koreans to gobble up a bowl of hot steamy Samgyetang (chicken ginseng soup) (人蔘雞). How does eating hot food make you cooler? one might ask. Well, according to Eastern medicine, blood concentrates near the skin in order to cool our bodies, hence causing bad blood circulation in our stomach. So even though we feel the heat in our body, our internal organs are actually relatively cold. Therefore it was believed that by warming up the inner body, not only would one overcome summer heat, it would also prevent illness and fatigue! But ofcourse, nowadays, Samgyetang is mostly served in a well air-conditioned restaurant unlike before.

Summer is a time for everyone to be out and about. It’s a time to get to know yourself and be adventurous. Summer comes and goes, but 10 years or 20 years from now, summer will always be something you’ll look back to. With summer just around the corner, have you any plans? If not, what better way to celebrate summer than a trip to somewhere exhilirating like Korea!



▋2025 跨年號 ▋No.30 雜誌全臺索取地點 ▌ 01/17 索取開跑,數量有限,本數以現場為準!

▋2024 秋季號 ▋No.29 雜誌全臺索取地點 ▌ 10/18 索取開跑,數量有限,本數以現場為準!

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